Zapproved: 5 Best Practices for Bringing More Document Review In-House

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Extract from Zapproved’s article “5 Best Practices for Bringing More Document Review In-House”

The Advantages of In-House Document Review

Many corporate legal teams struggle with the question of what parts of the EDRM can and should be handled in house, and what is best served by outside counsel. For years, document review was seen as an all-or-nothing prospect: either all review was handled by the in-house team or everything was sent out.

However, there is a better option. Like many other critical business functions, document review is best when handled through a hybrid approach, leveraging enterprise technology for routine review and outside counsel for trickier work.   

By bringing more ediscovery in house, you can save your outside spend for higher risk or highly complex matters, while speeding up timelines from those routine matters, streamlining processes and saving money. And yet, corporate legal teams still see in-house document review as an all or nothing decision, but it doesn’t have to be. Read our blog for all the in house document review best practices you’ve been looking for.

Considerations For Bringing More Review In-House

Even in the face of growing data volumes, legal departments are receiving pressure to reduce legal spend. It’s no secret that data processing and review are the most expensive stages of the EDRM, so legal teams need a realistic option for reducing these costs.

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