Affiliate Partner White Papers

AccessData: Do benefits of personal devices at work outweigh drawbacks?

The embrace of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs by employers and employees, which is transforming workplaces everywhere, brings with ...

AccessData: Do Benefits of Personal Devices at Work Outweigh Drawbacks?

The embrace of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs by employers and employees, which is transforming workplaces everywhere, brings with ...

Exterro: Three Keys to Establishing an Information Governance Project

Three Keys to Establishing an Information Governance Project: A Professional Perspective from Two E-Discovery Practitioners A solid information ...

XDD Practice Guide on “eDiscovery Investigations”

Download Complimentary Copy of XDD Practice Guide on "eDiscovery Investigations" The majority of eDiscovery work takes place in ...

AccessData Whitepaper

2017 AccessData White Paper: High Volume of Litigation Drives U.S. Pharmaceutical Companies to Seek Out Technology Solutions for ...