Andie Linker, Relativity: Law and Technology: Feeling Secure in the Public Cloud

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Extract from Andie Linker’s article “Law and Technology: Feeling Secure in the Public Cloud”

As legal technology grows more sophisticated and robust with each passing day, it’s harder and harder to deny that law and technology go hand in hand. Related to virtually every legal matter in today’s landscape, there is data to be gathered, analyzed, and understood, and the resulting insights must be fed back into your case strategy. Often, that data is prolific—and the wisdom it contains can be invaluable.

To ensure your practice remains ahead, it is essential to find your place at the intersection of law and technology and embrace how it empowers your team to achieve better, faster, and more effective results.

At Relativity Fest 2023, we gathered an expert panel of lawyers and technologists to teach attendees about best practices for adopting cloud technology while ensuring security remains a top priority.

Relativity’s David Horrigan led the discussion alongside two lawyers: Kenya Parrish-Dixon, VP and assistant general counsel at Celery Consulting Group; and Devon Crosbie, director of professional Services at CDS.

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