Christina Ling, Everlaw: 5 Reasons to Bring Ediscovery In-House

Knowledge Base

Extract from Christina Ling’s article “5 Reasons to Bring Ediscovery In-House”

The corporate ediscovery landscape largely depends on outsourcing work to service providers and outside counsel. In the early days of ediscovery, legal professionals would routinely purchase managed seats for review from service providers because of the expertise and infrastructure required to collect, process, and host data. In the past, many buyers purchased ediscovery software in a one-off fashion, waiting until an emergency forced them to buy the tools they often needed at the last minute from a service provider. However, this “one-off” approach typically leads to waste and inefficient processes, which makes the idea of bringing ediscovery in-house an appealing option.

Though on-premises software used to dominate the market, the corporate ediscovery landscape now has many cloud players with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, enabling more organizations to shift ediscovery operations in-house. There are now cloud-based solutions (which automatically processes and spins up review instances) that have solved many past pain points with service providers and on-premises software. There are various reasons why corporate legal departments should consider bringing ediscovery in-house with a cloud solution.

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