Ellen O’Leary, Casepoint: Collecting Slack Data for eDiscovery and Internal Investigations the Right Way

Extract from Ellen O’Leary’s article “Collecting Slack Data for eDiscovery and Internal Investigations the Right Way”

Collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams have become part of the glue that holds successful teams together. Today, millions of individuals around the globe log in to both systems. While this is a boon to workplace communications, it can be something of a nightmare when Slack or Teams conversations need to be collected as part of the eDiscovery process. 

When Slack data consisting of responses, reactions, edits, deleted content, and even emojis can be material to the outcome of a legal matter, the eDiscovery challenges can be huge, especially when you consider the sheer volume of additional data to be collected. 

To collect data from complex tools like these, law firms and corporations can hire third-party subject matter experts to get the job done, but this increases the number of touch points and adds expense and risk to the process of every legal hold. Casepoint is constantly building integrations and connectors for its eDiscovery platform to address the complexity of collecting from diverse data sources, and that’s why we have recently created connectors for Microsoft Teams and Slack for eDiscovery

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