Extract from HaystackID’s article “Decisions for Secure Remote Review: Qualifying Questions and Considerations”
Editor’s Note: HaystackID continues to be uniquely positioned as the industry leader and most experienced provider in delivering secure remote review services for legal document reviews. Our first-to-market remote review infrastructure has been leveraged by AmLaw 100 and Fortune 500 clients for more than six years, with more than 425 projects completed to date. With more than 16,000 qualified reviewers available to support secure legal document reviews, HaystackID’s ReviewRight services continue to be the first choice and best choice for secure remote review for data and legal discovery professionals. The following update is designed to provide questions and considerations for eDiscovery decision-makers evaluating secure remote review offerings and providers.
Decisions for Secure Remote Review: Qualifying Questions and Considerations
Given the rapid changes in the review services environment during 2020, many organizations that have not previously employed remote reviews as part of their eDiscovery arsenal are now actively and aggressively evaluating secure remote review services. As not all secure remote review offerings and providers are equal, the following qualifying questions and considerations may be helpful for law firms and corporations in their evaluation of remote review services.