Extract from Kelly Twigger’s article “Kelly Twigger: #CaseoftheWeek Episode 62 – Failure to Preserve G Suite Data”
#CaseoftheWeek episode 62 is an analysis of Stemmelin v. Matterport, Inc., 2022 WL 818654 (N.D. Cal. 2022 from March 17, 2022. CEO Kelly Twigger discusses whether a failure to preserve G Suite data was sanctionable absent a showing of prejudice.
The decision comes from United States Magistrate Judge Thomas S. Hixson.
Good morning, and welcome to episode 62 of our Case of the Week. My name is Kelly Twigger, I am the CEO and Founder of eDiscovery Assistant and the Principal at ESI Attorneys. Thanks so much for joining me today.
Each week, as you know, through our partnership with ACEDS, we choose a recent decision from our eDiscovery Assistant database that highlights key issues for litigators and those involved in the eDiscovery process. We talk about the practical implications of that decision for you, your practice and your clients.
This week’s decision comes to us from a case called Stemmelin v. Matterport pending in the Northern District of California. This is a case that’s assigned to Judge Alsup as the District Court Judge and to Judge Thomas Hixson as the United States Magistrate Judge. This decision is from Judge Hixson.