Mike Quartararo, ACEDS: Law Firms Won’t Adapt Unless Clients Make Them

Extract from Mike Quartararo’s article “Law Firms Won’t Adapt Unless Clients Make Them”

Every once in a while, I like to just go off on a rant. And this week, I’m particular perturbed by the snail-like pace with which law firms (and others) manage to keep up with technology.

You know, we live in a time when things move fairly quickly. The laptop I bought about four years ago still works, but it’s largely obsolete in terms of memory, storage, and processor speed. And that’s the way it goes with technology.

Almost across the board, we see new technologies emerge that constantly alter how we do things. Walk the vendor hall of any conference — not just legal technology conferences — and you’ll see all sorts of solutions to problems in any number of areas of commerce. It’s about more efficiency, better communication, interoperability, and (yes) some unnecessary things, too.

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