Zapproved: 4 Strategies to Help Advance Your In-House Legal Department

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Extract from Zapproved’s article ” 4 Strategies to Help Advance Your In-House Legal Department”

Let’s face it, being a corporate legal team in the year 2022 is no easy task. A lot has changed in recent years, and teams now rely on collaboration between legal, technical, and operational specialists. Today’s ediscovery teams must be multifaceted, integrating different considerations, roles, and technologies. But this alone isn’t enough, corporate legal teams are losing budget and staff at the same time that litigation needs are skyrocketing. Not to mention soaring data volumes, and increasing risk and regulations. In addition, evolving and advancing one’s team can feel like a monumental task, when compounded with the increase in litigation and demand, the task can start to feel impossible.

So how do you manage the need to advance your team while keeping up with the ever increasing flow of litigation? Here are a few strategies to advance your in-house legal team for the future.

1: Use Legal Ops to Optimize Your In-House Legal Department

Legal departments have had to face the world’s technological advances head on. In recent years ediscovery professionals face soaring data volumes, risks, and matters, all of which challenge the way in-house legal teams operate. Legal costs have ballooned, and the ongoing pandemic has only exacerbated the challenges.

To adapt to these challenges, legal departments have started to embrace an operations-oriented approach to address workloads. Even if you don’t have a formal legal ops role on your team, companies can employ legal ops best practices to balance cutting costs with mitigating risk, all while driving efficiency. Legal ops offers strategic planning, financial and project management, and tech know-how that enables the rest of the department to focus on their core areas of expertise.

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