Monthly Industry Tips (O’Shea)

Justice and Law concept. Legal counsel presents to the client a signed contract with gavel and legal law or legal having team meeting at law firm in background

Sean O’Shea: Tips for Paralegals and Litigation Support Professionals – October 2019

9/25/2019: more on searching text files with powershell Case sensitive search for multiple strings: Select-String -Path C:\FooFolder\txt\*.txt -pattern Art,Beauty,Law -CaseSensitive 9/26/2019: more helpful bookmarlets Use a bookmarklet to grab all

Sean O’Shea: Tips for Paralegals and Litigation Support Professionals – October 2019 Read More »

Justice and Law concept. Legal counsel presents to the client a signed contract with gavel and legal law or legal having team meeting at law firm in background

Sean O’Shea: Tips for Paralegals and Litigation Support Professionals – March 2019

2/27/2019: Get Counts of Files in Multiple Subdirectories In the command: dir /a /s | findstr “Directory File(s)”    – findstr filters the results. 2/28/2019: Export Highlighted Text from Multiple Transcripts

Sean O’Shea: Tips for Paralegals and Litigation Support Professionals – March 2019 Read More »